Et dessous, les 5 bonnes raisons de recruter un IRONMAN.

La boucle est bouclée...
10 bonnes raisons d'embaucher un ancien leader syndical étudiant.
Management Politicus épisode 5. Vous recruteriez un garçon ou une fille qui a bloqué son lycée avec des poubelles ? qui a mobilisé tout un amphi avec 10 bons potes organisés ? qui remet en cause par ses revendications l'équilibre de votre compte de résultat ? Non... Dommage, vous allez louper la candidature de l'année.
Il y a longtemps, j’étais responsable pédagogique dans un établissement d’enseignement supérieur et pour des raisons que j’ai oubliées, les étudiants se sont mis en grève (le CPE peut-être). Ils étaient mobilisés par X. leader syndical de 20 ans, plein d’énergie, proche de la gauche (chuuut).
X fit ses premières armes politiques en faisant trembler la direction et en obtenant je ne sais plus trop quoi. Un en un mois de mouvement, il était devenu l'interlocuteur incontournable. 10 ans plus tard, je l'ai retrouvé, il était devenu directeur de la communication du même établissement. Le temps passe. Il fut un excellent dircom, combattif, innovant et un entrepreneur dans sa fonction. Voilà pourquoi avant de retoquer la candidature d’un ancien syndicaliste étudiant (trotskiste ou pas) j’y réfléchirais à deux fois.
L’ex leader syndical étudiant a de nombreuses qualités dont le recruteur aurait tort de se passer.
Ce genre de profil est même bien plus multitâche qu’un diplômé lambda de la génération Y. Faisons l'inventaire de ses qualités...
- Il n’a pas peur des responsabilités, il va même les chercher.
- Il aime le terrain, la rue, les soirées interminables, il va démarcher ses camarades pour les convaincre et les mobiliser. Il sait tirer les sonnettes. C'est un VRP de la cause.
- Il tient un amphi en haleine, alors ne doutons pas qu’il saura conduire une réunion et en conserver la maîtrise. Quant aux keynotes, n'en parlons pas, il maîtrise le graphisme et les formules choc.
- Il a bien sûr des qualités orales qui se manifestent dans les défilés par son art de manier le mégaphone ; de même son aisance à rédiger des tracts en fait un excellent communicant à l’écrit.
- Il a le sens de la topographie ! Bloquer une entrée de lycée, repérer le parcours d'une manif avec les autorités, depuis mai 68 l’expertise logistique du leader syndical étudiant n’est plus à démontrer.
- Par ses multiples contacts auprès des partis politiques, le syndicaliste étudiant est aussi un homme ou une femme de réseau qu'il sait mobiliser mais également écouter, c'est un as du signal faible.
- Il sait négocier à haut niveau, gérer un rapport de force.
- Il a le sens de la discipline, oui même le trotskiste sait obéir aux consignes de ses ainés.
- Il connaît aussi les campus comme sa poche, ce qui n’est pas inutile pour améliorer son image auprès de la communauté des diplômés.
- Enfin il est ambitieux, la plupart des syndicalistes étudiants ont un sens politique et stratégique qui les conduit à se trouver une place dans le paysage économique et politique (chef de parti, patron d’agence de communication, parlementaire, ministre…).
Fort de ces compétences, vous l’utiliserez sans difficultés dans les fonctions communication, affaires sociales, relations institutionnelles, lobbying, recrutement ou services généraux. Il fera également une excellente plume voire un bon chef de cabinet et bien sûr un très bon responsable des relations avec les grandes écoles. Ce n'est pas seulement moi qui le dis, c'est l'inspecteur du travail le plus radical de la gauche du Parti Socialiste...
C’est le paradoxe du leader syndical étudiant, plus il manifeste pour l'employabilité menacée des étudiants, plus il améliore la sienne.
Autant vous dire qu’avant de mettre à la corbeille sa candidature, je m’empresserais de le recevoir pour m’en faire un allié.
Car en politique comme en recrutement, avoir les étudiants de son côté, c'est excellent pour sa marque employeur.
5 reasons why you should hire an IRONMAN to run your business
Its being long said that the employees are the company's best assets and as such, they should be treated accordingly. I bet you have heard the saying "A happy employee is a productive employee" and of course we all want to get the best out of those great people that come to work everyday for us making our dreams come true.
This said, we always make sure that we can recruit the best of the best out there, always looking for the most appropriate candidate to fulfill the company's needs at its best performance. This gets tougher every day. The recruiting processes change constantly and we often resort to renowned headhunters or recruiting companies because we can't just simply find that perfect person for the vacant job position.
So what do we look for in those candidates that make them the one? Of Course we have to make sure he or she has the required credentials and expertise to fulfill the tasks they will encounter, but sometimes that isn't enough. We have to look beyond that. When the time comes, we will have to take into consideration some things that, in my point of view, are way more important than academic preparation or on the job experiences. This will not only let you know that the elected candidate is up for the test and will be able to perform as expected in this new position, but it will also let you see past all that and really get to know what this person is like and if he or she will be able to become that great leader the company needs. I'm talking about personal values and habits.
For those who are not familiarized with the IRONMAN race, (no it's not the superhero from avengers) it's a triathlon race that gave birth to the actual sport. Its was created in 1978, by three sport enthusiasts that challenged themselves just to see which of the 3 sports (swimming, cycling or running) was the most demandant and difficult sport to perform, so they made up this game just to prove themselves right. Back then, they had no idea they were actually giving birth to one of the most beautiful sports in the world.
This race starts with a 2.4 mile swim (3,800 mts), mostly by 07:00 am, followed by a 112 mile bike ride (180 kms), and finishing with a full 26.2 mile marathon run (42.2 kms). All with a time cut off of 17 hours, mostly by midnight.
As you can see, this is the equivalent of 140.6 miles (226 kms). Who is that insane to put their body and mind to the test? How in the world is this race even possible? How do they manage to train for that kind of race and still be able to keep the wife or husband happy? Well, they do exist. The road to the finish line is full of intense training, hours of planning and filled with emotional ups and downs that, in the end, changed us in a way nothing else will making us a one of a kind human being. This is why I highly recommend that you give the race a try and of course, if one of these amazing athletes comes to your company looking for a job opportunity do consider the following:
They have a huge sense of responsibility.
Training for the IRONMAN race is one of the most expensive, exhausting and time consuming things in this world. This athlete's know that if they miss a training they miss the finish line, so they develope a huge sense of responsibility. In order to keep up with the job, the family and their training sessions they know they have to plan ahead and never leave something that can be done today for tomorrow. A three pointer for productivity.
They inspire others.
Finishing an IRONMAN race is the most amazing thing that could ever happen to me besides my wife and family so I talk about it every time I can. No, I'm not talking about bragging, (although it could be something to brag about). I'm talking about transmitting to those that ask us about the race that the most important and satisfying thing of all this is that the road to the finish line changes you in a way nothing ever will. We do that a lot. IRONMAN athletes in an organization inspire others to set a goal in their minds and plan a strategy to achieve it. At first this may only inspire them in getting of the couch and start training instead of watching tv, but after a while when this trainings pay off , they will understand that life, your business and their jobs are not that different. Who wouldn't want that kind of culture spreading out throughout their employees?
They are physically and mentally trained.
IRONMAN training is very demanding and once you are of to achieving it you have to make a lot of changes in your life, like for example, stop drinking and going out late. Training sessions are 7 days a week, (if you get lucky your coach will give you a day off once in awhile) sometimes starting at 5:00 am or earlier depending on your daily job and family routines. There is nothing like a well rested and exercised brain to generate new ideas and get things done. Forget about over sleeping, late and hungover employees and say hello to a healthier, always on time, new kind of employee. This is priceless.
They never give up.
One of the most important things and athlete needs to understand in order to finish the IRONMAN race is that you just can't give up that easily. Actually their are a lot of athletes that have this mantra so embedded in their heads that they faint just after crossing the finish line not letting their bodies quit a step before. This is a very powerful mindset. In business we all know that the best opportunities take time and a lot more effort that just the ordinary.. IRONMAN athletes are prepared to fail, fail and fail again but they just won't quit until the job is done. Nobody wants a quitter in their organization. It's like fighting a gorilla. You don't stop when you get tired, you stop once the gorilla has.
They plan ahead and get things done.
Like in business, there is no way you can be successful in the IRONMAN race if you do not plan ahead and prepare for the worst. Race strategy is as important as the physical and mental training, or sometimes even more. These athletes develop a sense of strategy that makes them very sensitive to change. If something is not going as planned they are not afraid to shift into another direction and re strategize in their head as they move forward on the race, making sure the new strategy will take them to the finish line. In business this is crucial. If the person in charge on the business project implementation and development cannot sense that things are not going as planned and sticks to an initial strategic plan, most likely, it will fail.
Quand on voit que la capitalisation de Facebook pèse 2 fois celle de Boeing il faut comprendre que le monde change très vite.
RépondreSupprimerSe limiter à enbaucher des moutons qui disent OUI à leur chef et reproduisent en permanence le passé c'est une très bonne stratégie à 2 ou 3 ans et c'est confortable.
En revanche, c'est aussi une grande preuve d'immaturité et de manque de sens des responsabilités.
Alors oui, il faut embaucher des Tops managers qui bougent les lignes également et portent le challenge dans l'Entreprise.
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